Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hanes Pt. Piss Water

I'm sure you're all aware they have set up the sprinkler system once again at the pt. For those that aren't Hanes Pt. regulars every year they draw water out of the Potomac through a sprinkler system and basically water the surrounding area including the street. You couldn't pay me to ride through it for fear of becoming ill. That's some nasty ass water.

In any case we do an alternate route which I'm not crazy about but it works. On another note, I finally got back into the pool yesterday. My workout was a 2,000 meter freestyle swim. I did 100s on a 1:45 minute intervals. I also mixed in some 50s on a 1 minute intervals. I have to say for not being in the pool in over a year my form was good and I was making the times. Shoulders and back are a bit sore, but I'm sure tomorrow I'll be hurtin for squirtin of ibuprofen.

I leave you with some photos of yesterday's training at the pt. As you can see, proof of toxic spillage and the one and only "Guy" who will remain nameless for fear of his wife kicking his ass for being at the pt. He can play a mean ass guitar though.

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