Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busted Chain

Yesterday on Uncle Pete's Hill ride I busted my chain which saw me lose ground on the group very quickly. I was last rider so no one was aware of my problem. Luckily I was able to rig it so that I could soft pedal home. The bike needs a complete tune up (New cables, chain and rear cassette) Ebay here I come!!

As for the weekend, the running went well. Ran 12miles Sat. and 10 miles on Monday. I was suppose to do a 5k tempo run on Sunday but the heat on Saturday's run got to me. I did the entire 12 miles with the kids in the double jogger. I forgot how semi hilly the Mt. Vernon trail can be south of Belle Haven Marina. I guess you can say I bonked the last 3 miles. The positive thing about running on the Mt. Vernon trail is all the running groups there. They have plenty of water stations. I don't know if its cool that I drink their water but I think it was a well deserved water break. You try running 12 miles with two screaming monkeys in a double jogger.

I clocked an ok time for Saturday's run despite the hot conditions. I ran with my Garmin 305 and here is the info.

Distance 12 miles
time 1 hr 29 min
Pace/mile 7 min 29 sec

Today is a sprint workout on the bike with Mr. Bad ass Art Brown and Matt B. Should be fun, NOT!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

was the point dry today? (wed)

Tony said...

Not sure. I was hoping someone could tell me. I know the sprinklers are still out there, but not sure if they are running.

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