Thursday, July 30, 2009

Future Bike Geek

Here's my 2 yr old taking out the Hot Walker for a spin.

Open Water Swim

This AM about 6 AM I did an open lake swim with a friend of mine. I meant to take a pic of the lake but forgot my crackberry in my pack. It was about a 1600 meter swim. I always prefer an open water swim to doing laps in the pool. I hate f'ing around with flip turns and morons who don't understand this is the lap lane not the waddle your fat ass in the pool lane.

I wont be able to bring you great photos of noon bike training today because I have a luncheon to attend to. My boss is moving on to his next post so we're marching him out with a sit down at Red Hot n Blue.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today's Great Falls Ride

Since the sprinklers are still up at the Point, we opted for going out to Great Falls. I don't know why I don't do that more often. Its a nice change of scenery. You still get the occasional asshole driver out there but for the most part it's pretty safe. The ride was a nice even tempo. It was myself, Art Brown, Matt B., and Steve Soltes. Missing from the picture is Guy Perotti and his nephew. They were lagging a few minutes back. Still humid as fu*#k out there so drink up and stay hydrated.

Busted Chain

Yesterday on Uncle Pete's Hill ride I busted my chain which saw me lose ground on the group very quickly. I was last rider so no one was aware of my problem. Luckily I was able to rig it so that I could soft pedal home. The bike needs a complete tune up (New cables, chain and rear cassette) Ebay here I come!!

As for the weekend, the running went well. Ran 12miles Sat. and 10 miles on Monday. I was suppose to do a 5k tempo run on Sunday but the heat on Saturday's run got to me. I did the entire 12 miles with the kids in the double jogger. I forgot how semi hilly the Mt. Vernon trail can be south of Belle Haven Marina. I guess you can say I bonked the last 3 miles. The positive thing about running on the Mt. Vernon trail is all the running groups there. They have plenty of water stations. I don't know if its cool that I drink their water but I think it was a well deserved water break. You try running 12 miles with two screaming monkeys in a double jogger.

I clocked an ok time for Saturday's run despite the hot conditions. I ran with my Garmin 305 and here is the info.

Distance 12 miles
time 1 hr 29 min
Pace/mile 7 min 29 sec

Today is a sprint workout on the bike with Mr. Bad ass Art Brown and Matt B. Should be fun, NOT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hanes Pt. Piss Water

I'm sure you're all aware they have set up the sprinkler system once again at the pt. For those that aren't Hanes Pt. regulars every year they draw water out of the Potomac through a sprinkler system and basically water the surrounding area including the street. You couldn't pay me to ride through it for fear of becoming ill. That's some nasty ass water.

In any case we do an alternate route which I'm not crazy about but it works. On another note, I finally got back into the pool yesterday. My workout was a 2,000 meter freestyle swim. I did 100s on a 1:45 minute intervals. I also mixed in some 50s on a 1 minute intervals. I have to say for not being in the pool in over a year my form was good and I was making the times. Shoulders and back are a bit sore, but I'm sure tomorrow I'll be hurtin for squirtin of ibuprofen.

I leave you with some photos of yesterday's training at the pt. As you can see, proof of toxic spillage and the one and only "Guy" who will remain nameless for fear of his wife kicking his ass for being at the pt. He can play a mean ass guitar though.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


At the request of others, and not many, I've decided to kick start this blog again. I haven't had much to blog about. The kiddos are keeping me busy as is the wifey.

I know I'm going to burn some ears when I say this "I'm going back to my roots of multi sport racing next year." You can uncover your ears now roadies!!! Honestly I just miss it. Also, I had an easier time making the podium in multi sport. In my years of road racing the closest I've come to the podium is 5th.

I may make my return to bike racing when I can race Masters 35+. I always enjoyed racing masters 30+ before it was changed to 35+. I'm 32 so in the meantime I'll fill the void with some duathlon and triathlon.

My training is going well. I'm up to running 30-35 miles per week with long runs on the weekend. Bike wise I'm only riding tues - thurs. My running schedule goes Friday - Monday. I'm still trying to figure out where to fit in the swim schedule. If I can get 2 swim sessions a week that will work. I feel that with the running mileage, I don't have to put as much time on the bike right now. I feel pretty strong on the bike at the moment and would like to just ride for maintenance at this point.

I'm going to make an attempt to race 3 multisport races before the end of this racing season. Here's the schedule, August 16, September 13, and October 11.

that's it for now...I leave you with some training photos from Hanes Pt.

Self Portrait

The one and only Puerto Rican at the Pt., Jose

Matt B, winner of the Hagerstown CAT 4 championship

Mike C motorpacing us the pt. last week Wed.