Thursday, March 19, 2009

Easier to facebook than blog.

Facebook has really cut into my blogging. I know I have some readers back in the southwest so I thought it was about time for an update.

I've actually been reading others blogs instead of updating mine. A few new favorites for me, well I wouldn't say they are new but I enjoy them regardless., I read this one because I enjoy busting his balls with my comments. Also he's another fellow cyclist who is about to venture into the world of baby diapers and spit up. Plus he's discovered he can swim. Good luck Robb., Do you have to ask?, Fellow pt. rider who can fabricate a basket crate on his bike., Cause I just think this guy is fucking crazy., Because I don't know any other Gay guy that rides a bike. At least for now AND he is a fellow pt. rider.

Check em all out if you'd like.

On the racing end, I have my second race of the season, which is a MTB race in Elkridge, MD. Its the Rockburn Reloaded this Sunday, March 22nd. I've been riding the shit out of my road bike but have not been on my MT bike in about a month.

I never did write up a race report for my first MTB race of the season back in Feb. I think I finished 43rd. Not worth writing about. It was cold, full of snow and ice and f'ing miserable. I Crashed twice. First crash had my left shoe cover with my leg attached hung up on a barb wire fence, 2nd crash had me fall over a pile of cow shit.

My first road race of the year will be Walkersville, followed by Tysons Circuit, then Carl Dolan. Beyond that, I don't know yet.


Sigberto Garcia said...

I mix the two (facebook and blogs) by having my blog feed automatically to my facebook notes.

The downside is that you get comments to each one separately.

Tony said...

I do the same but I'm still lazy about blogging.

RayMan AKA StingRay said...

Here's another great blog, but this dude hardly ever posts new shit, so maybe not worth checking out. And, he's been known to partake in the HP hammerfests.

Tony said...

I have officially added you to my links. I'm pretty bad at updating as well.

KMAX said...

I like the Snotcycle "write up". I think that about sums up my own experiences at that damned race as well, though minus the barbed wire. Far from the most fun I've ever had on a bike.