Monday, December 15, 2008

Training update

Training has been going well. Still lifting Mondays and Fridays. I'm on the second phase of the winter weightlifting workouts. I'm definitely feeling the benefits of it. Next week is the 3rd phase which means less reps more weight. I have to thank my buddy Matt for the whole lifting phase. It's always easier to make lifting workouts when you have someone waiting for you.

On the cycling end I'm getting about 3-5 rides a week. Matt and I have been riding the fixies for about the last month. If I had to get rid of all my bikes and only choose one, it would be my fixie. I feel completely wasted after 2 or 3 hours on it. Its a good kind of wasted though.

Running wise I've actually increased my mileage to about 25-30 miles a week. The weightlifting has been super beneficial to my running. I feel solid on my long runs.

It seems like a lot of training when I put it in writing, but it doesn't feel like that. I'm not hammering on the bike and my runs have been slightly below tempo. To be honest I'm not sure how much racing I'll do next year. You'd think with this schedule I'm setting some goals for next year. The reality is I'm not. I feel this schedule has been keeping my mind clear and allowed me to keep the daily stresses at a minimum.


thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Danny Montoya said...

That is quite a schedule!

Keep it rolling through the winter and you'll be indestructible ;-)